2014 Winter Meeting
“Shifting Paradigms in HAE: A Focus on Prophylaxis”
January 18, 2014
The winter meeting of the Alabama Society of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology will be Saturday, January 18th at the Bruno Conference Center (see directions), 806 St. Vincent’s Drive. Drs. Mallette and Howell have developed a great program! Our topic will be “Shifting Paradigms in HAE: A Focus on Prophylaxis” and is jointly sponsored by RMEI and Postgraduate Institute for Medicine. Educational grant support is provided by ViroPharma Incorporated.
- 1:00 PM – 2:00 PM “Lunch and Conversation”
- 2:00 PM – 3:30 PM “Shifting Paradigms in HAE: A Focus on Prophylaxis” by Allen Kaplan, M.D. (1 hour of CME)
- 3:30 PM – 5:00 PM ASAAI Business Meeting
- 6:00 PM Dinner and dinner location can be arranged if enough express an interest in the same. Dutch Treat.
Those planning to stay overnight in Birmingham will need to make their own reservations at one of the many hotels located nearby. *Westin has a new facility downtown, located close to the Civic Center.
In order to finalize arrangements for our meeting, please respond with the following information by January 3, 2014. Fax to Richard Carson at 334-269-5200.
Name of Physician attending: ___________________________________________
_____ I will be attending the lunch and afternoon lecture
_____ I will be attending the business meeting